Y Stork Eco-friendly Village Competition (2nd Prize)

Plot Architects won 2nd prize for Y Stork Eco-friendly Village Competition in collaboration with JU Architects.

플롯이 제이유 건축사사무소와 함께 예산군 황새고향 친환경생태단지조성사업 건축설계 제안공모에서 2등으로 입상하였습니다.

NAACC Creative Campus Competition (3RD PRIZE)

Plot Architects got shortlisted for NAACC Creative Campus Competition, Sejong in collaboration with Han-A Urban Research Institute, Notion Architecture, SML.

플롯이 한아도시건축연구소, 노션아키텍쳐, SML 건축사사무소와 함께 진행한 세종 행정복합도시 공동캠퍼스 공모전에서 장려상을 수상하였습니다.