
Plot is an international design practice based in London and Seoul, founded by YeoJin Choi and Myoungjae Kim in 2017. The ‘Plot’ represents two key architectural approaches that the practice is strongly believe in – story and site.

As a practice Plot explores the power of narrative in architectural design and brings this into practice’s key design approach to create unique identity and individual experiences in the space. We also aim to create orchestrated response through in-depth analysis of the site as well as a sensitive approach to the site specific characteristics.


Both YeoJin Choi and Myoungjae Kim studied and worked in Korea and London, and is a registered architects in ARB(Architects Registration Board,UK) and chartered members in RIBA(Royal Institute of British Architects). 

They worked in the well-establish architectural practice in London over 8 years and completed a number of important projects in London playing a key role from design to construction. We believe our extensive experiences in London will be a strong basis in delivering creative design with quality across a wide range of scale and sectors.

플롯은 런던과 서울에 기반을 둔 인터내셔널 디자인회사로 2017년 최여진과 김명재에 의해 설립되었습니다. 이야기와 땅이라는 사전적 의미를 갖는 ‘플롯’은 본 회사가 가장 중요하게 추구하는 가치이며 건축적 접근 방식을 표현하는 단어이기도 합니다.

플롯은 건축디자인 안에서 만들어지는‘스토리’를 탐구하며, 이는 유니크한 공간의 아이덴티티와 개인의 공간 체험을 만들어내는 중요한 디자인 요소가 됩니다. 또한 스토리텔링이 주는 공간적 경험뿐만아니라 도시구조와 ‘대지’의 심도있는 이해를 바탕으로, 디자인되는 새로운 건물과 기존 도시와의 조화로운 관계를 만들어 내는 것을 목표로 합니다.